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COVID precautions

Camp Can Do will be complying with all guidelines and recommendations from Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta and the CDC.  These guidelines may change and be updated between and camp.  Currently those guidelines include, but are not limited to:


  • FACE MASKS will be worn at camp, but when campers are in a 6 safety circle masks may be lowered. In the June heat this will be a great  respite. We are creating 6 foot safety circles for each camper at a unit’s home base and various places in camp.  Once the camper prepares to leave their circle masks will be put back in place.

  • CAMP SUPPLIES WILL NOT BE SHARED. Each camper will be supplied with personal badge and craft supplies. Games will not use shared equipment.

  • Kayaks, oars, life jackets, and archery equipment will be sanitized between uses by adult volunteers. Bathroom and port o potties will be sanitized hourly by adult volunteers.

  • Hand sanitizer will be dispersed to each camper by their unit adult volunteer once an hour.

  • limited contact between units of campers.

  • enhanced camp nurse training and staff.​

  • Each camper will be exposed to less than 20 people  total at camp; 10 members of their unit, archery instructor, kayak instructor, lifeguard, nurse , camp director.

COVID refund policy

If your camper needs to quarantine or isolate due to COVID exposure or positive diagnosis, DO NOT COME TO CAMP. For each day a camper must miss for COVID related quarantine, Camp Can Do will refund $10/day for each missed day of camp.

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